In-Pew Survey: Over the past few weeks we have had a few town hall meetings to discuss the capital campaign that will begin in our parish in July. The diocese is having this campaign, and our parish hopes to combine that campaign with our own to raise money for capital improvements to our parish. People have expressed a desire for Church improvements, including a gathering space in our Church, (especially a bride’s room and a place for parents to go with their babies), refurbished pews, and new bathrooms. Others have mentioned a smaller hall on the level of the Church so that elderly people do not have to go to the Fr. Bush Center after Mass. There is also a need for a new Outreach Center and maintenance garage. The town hall meetings were an opportunity for parishioners to express their opinions on the capital campaign. This weekend we are conducting an in-pew survey. We want your feedback. You can also go online on our website to express your thoughts. Thanks for your input in this area.

Graduates: Congratulations to all our seniors graduating from high school. We will honor them at the 10 a.m. Mass this weekend. Flint Powers has their graduation this Sunday at 2 p.m. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it because I’m attending my nephew’s graduation party near Ann Arbor. He attended Fr. Gabriel Richard High School.

8th grade: Speaking of graduation, our 8th graders will have their graduation Mass on Thursday, June 9. There are 52 graduating; they are a great class and we will miss them. The last day of school is Friday, June 10. Wow, the year has flown by!

Ordinations: This Friday, June 10, our bishop will ordain five deacons to the priesthood. Three of them have some ties to our parish. Deacon Peter Lawrence spent last summer and weekends during the school year with us. Deacon Brian Lenz spent a summer here a few years ago. Deacon Paul Donnelly served as our deacon during the 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Mass this past year. We are really excited! Deacon Peter (Noon Mass on June 26) and Deacon Brian (6 p.m. Mass on June 26) are each having a thanksgiving Mass at our parish. Please stop by and congratulate them on June 26 if you are able to.

Monastery: Speaking of the call to priesthood, long-time parishioner Peter Cook will be leaving at the end of June to enter a monastery in France. Peter often joins Fr. Gary and me for prayers each morning.

Maintenance Garage and Sale: I am grateful that members of our St. Joseph Guild, as well as some members of the Knights of Columbus, spent a few days to clean and organize our maintenance garage. This Saturday, June 11, from 9 – noon, we will be selling surplus ground and maintenance equipment, parts and fasteners of all kinds. Please stop by if you have an interest.

Knights of Columbus: Speaking of the Knights, I had a wonderful couple days on Mackinaw Island. The Knights are a very respected and strong organization. They are all about helping the parish.

Memorial Day: Really enjoyed the Mass at Evergreen Cemetery on Memorial Day in which we remembered in a special way our deceased military men and women. Wehad a nice turnout; we also thanked with applause those attending who served our country during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart of Mary: Forgot to mention in last week’s bulletin the Feast days of the hearts of Jesus and Mary, which are June 3 and 4, respectively, this year. This is a great blessing to us, and devotion to their Hearts leads to peace in our homes.

Father Kusi: Many of you remember Father Kusi, a much-beloved associate pastor here years ago. We congratulate him as he became an American citizen a few weeks ago.

Alberto: We welcomed our new seminarian, Alberto Nickerson, to our parish last week. Please click here to read his article.

Hope you enjoy the warm and beautiful weather. Have a blessed week and the last week of school.

Msgr. Jerry

Saint quote of the week comes from St. Ephrem shortly before he died. His feast day is June 8.
Lay me not with sweet spices,
For this honor avails me not,
Nor yet use incense and perfumes,
For the honor befits me not.
Burn yet the incense in the holy place;
As for me, escort me only with your prayers.



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