(Editor’s note: the above portion of the message from Fr. was missed by me last week. I apologize to him and to you!)
Greetings in Christ, all!
I want to thank you all for your prayers and support while I conducted the Convocation for the Priests of the Diocese of Marquette. It was truly exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. I gave all the talks, prayed with the priests and heard their confessions. The Lord did a lot of great things there and I was honored to be a part of it.
I am asked to do a lot of retreats and, as a general rule I say no because I feel it important to be present to my Parish Families. As a result, I usually only do one a year. The week before I left for Marquette, I was asked by the Bishop of the Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska, to conduct a retreat for his people in Lent of 2019. I told him I’d pray and think about it and, upon return from the Priests retreat in Marquette, I realized that it just plain wiped me out to do this and, as a result, I said no to Fairbanks for next year. He asked me if I would come in 2020 and I agreed to do that. That’s long enough away for me not to have to worry for a bit…besides, I’ve always wanted to see Alaska!