All posts by: HolyFamilyUser

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Greetings in Christ, all! A blessed and holy Lenten season to you. This week, we will continue our Lenten Homily Focus on the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy. For this weekend, we will look at two Spiritual Works of Mercy: Forgiving Injuries and Bearing Wrongs Patiently. To forgive someone does not mean we pretend it […]

Greetings in Christ. all! Blessed and Holy Lent to all. This weekend we are continuing with our Lenten Series of homilies on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. Last weekend, we looked at Concern and Care for the Poor. This weekend, we’ll focus on the following Spiritual Works of Mercy: · Counsel the Doubtful· Instruct the Ignorant· Admonish the Sinner […]

Greetings in Christ and welcome to the first Sunday in Lent! I was absolutely blown away and touched by the sheer volume of people at the Ash Wednesday Masses…God bless your faithful, beautiful hearts. All during Lent this year, we will be preaching on the themes of Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy. We started praying […]

Greetings in Christ, all! Holy Cow, Lent is here! Can you believe it? On Ash Wednesday, we will add a Mass. We’ll be praying Mass at:  · 6:30 am· 8:00 am· 6:00 pm At 12:15 pm, we will have a service for the distribution of ashes. It’ll look like Mass all the way through until the homily when we will distribute ashes and then prayerfully conclude. […]

Greetings in Christ, all! I want to give you an update on something and I’ll need to lead into it. So, as most of you know, I am hearing impaired. I have really good, cutting-edge hearing aids and it helps a lot. I do okay between those and looking at people’s mouths when they talk. At […]

Monday – 6:30 a.m.

Tuesday – 8:15 a.m. and 7 p.m

Wednesday – 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Thursday – 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.

Friday – 6:30 a.m.

Saturday – 8:00 a.m. and vigil at 5 p.m.

Sunday – 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and seasonal evening Mass:

7 p.m. Memorial Day weekend in May to Labor Day weekend in September

5 p.m. after Labor Day to the weekend before Memorial Day weekend
