Greetings in Christ, all! I’m so happy to be back home. The pilgrimage was wonderful and very life-giving, but I tend to miss you all when I am away. I was gone for 12 days, ten of them on pilgrimage and the other two ontravel. During the pilgrimage, I visited Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica […]
Greetings in Christ! I feel like my knee is 90% healed. I am SO grateful for your prayers and support…it means a lot to me. I genuinely don’t like it when I’m not doing my job and being out for a few days really bums me out. I’m hopeful that this procedure is going to solve a lot […]
Greetings in Christ, all! In a couple of weeks, I am going to get up and talk at every Mass about an upcoming campaign forCatholic Schools for all parishes in our diocese. I’m very excited about this and I hope that you’ll all help. I’ll get into those details later, but I needed to tell you […]
Greetings in Christ! I wanted to update you all on my progress. I had my surgery on Friday, August 30th, and it was a big success. There was more damage there than the initial scans showed, but the doctor was ready and did everything needed to fix everything. It’s literally true when tell you this […]