A Cup of Joe

6th Sunday of Easter: I recently read a great article by Catholic author George Weigel. He mentioned that prior to Vatican II it was stated that the liturgical time we are in was called the “Sundays after Easter.” Now those Sundays are now styled “Sundays of Easter.” He further explains: “The shift from Sundays after […]

Just a few notes this week as I am writing this before heading off to a retreat in DeWitt. I asked Fr. Gary to write about his trip to France. Happy Mother’s Day: Dear Mothers, thank you for your love and support of your children, grandchildren and our parish! We remember all mothers with gratitude […]

Happy Easter Still: As you know, the Easter Season is 50 days long concluding with Pentecost Sunday on June 3. The Octave of Easter concludes this Sunday. Easter reminds us that the Church begins with witness: lives changed by an encounter with the Risen Lord; men and women who then transform others by the power […]

Hosanna: The holiest week of the year begins with the final Sunday of Lent, Palm Sunday. This day commemorates the triumphant arrival of Christ in Jerusalem. Jesus knows that he will be crucified and die for us. Palm branches are widely recognized as symbols of peace and victory. Palms or small branches would be waved […]

Raised from the dead: This Sunday is the fifth Sunday of Lent. Next Sunday is Palm (Passion) Sunday and then the following weekend is the Easter Triduum culminating in EASTER SUNDAY!!! This Sunday’s readings focus on the raising of Lazarus from the dead (let that sink in). This is the sixth ‘sign’ of seven signs […]

Blind: This Sunday’s Gospel reading focuses on John 9: 1 -41–the man blind from birth. His disciples asked Jesus whose sin caused the blindness—the parents or him. Jesus said, “neither he nor his parents sinned, it so that the works of God might be made visible through him.” Jesus sent the man into the Pool […]

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