Altar Servers
All young parishioners, grades 4-12 are encouraged to actively participate in the ministry of Altar Serving. To enroll, please contact the parish office so that a server trainer may contact you for initial training and future scheduling.
Any questions, comments or concerns may be directed to:
Genevieve Psenski
Volunteer Coordinator
office: 810-694-4891 ext. 2252
Readers of the Word
A Reader of the Word has the amazing honor of proclaiming the Word of God at the celebration of the Mass. We are not simply public readers of the Bible, we are an instrument through whom the Lord proclaims His Word to the people. As Reader of the Word, we lend God our human voices.
We always need people with strong, clear voices to proclaim the Word to us! Becoming a reader at Mass is a wonderful way to serve your brothers and sisters, to grow in your own faith life, and become more engaged with the celebration of the Eucharist.
If you are a gifted public speaker and have the willingness to prepare ahead each week when scheduled, please consider becoming a Reader of the Word.
Genevieve Psenski
Volunteer Coordinator
office: 810-694-4891 ext. 2252
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The ministry of the Eucharist is a ministry of reverence, gift giving, and welcoming. Those who aspire to be Eucharistic Ministers should be people of mature and demonstrated faith. They should be effective Christian witnesses and active in the sacramental life of the church, and must have received the Sacraments of Initiation.
For information on how to become a Eucharistic Minister, please contact:
Genevieve Psenski
Volunteer Coordinator
810-694-4891 ext. 2252
While Ushers are most often associated with the weekly collection, their responsibilities don’t stop there. These ministers arrive early to Mass to ensure that all supplies (worship aids, bulletins, collection baskets, etc.) are ready for distribution, they recruit gift bearers, and perform any other task that may be required for that particular Mass.
More importantly, Ushers are often the first contact each worshipper has with the assembly. Therefore, their attitude, appearance and smile provides the good news of God’s welcome and his love for all.
Anyone (man, woman, youth) who by his/her very nature is friendly, caring and giving, and who is active in the sacramental life is encouraged to pursue this ministry.
For information, or to schedule a training session please contact:
Genevieve Psenski
Volunteer Coordinator
810-694-4891 ext. 2252