Getting there: First of all, many, many thanks for your incredible generosity to our Witness to Hope Campaign. We are at 62% of our goal with over 350 families giving.

Second Sunday: The prophet Isaiah tells us that “a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse.” A stump seems dead, but new life grows from it. That “new life” is Jesus who came to give us life– life to the fullest and eternal life. How blessed we are to receive this pure and generous gift!

Rite of Acceptance: This Sunday at the Noon Mass we are celebrating the Rite of Acceptance for our members joining the Church at the Easter Vigil. According to Maddie White, around twenty people will receive the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil. Please pray for them.

A new deacon: As I mentioned a few months ago, Deacon Dennis Pennell is joining our parish. He served at St. Robert’s in Flushing for many years, but recently moved to our area. We are very happy to have him here. You will see him more and more at our Masses.

Thanksgiving: Wow! Our Thanksgiving collection, which is going to our Outreach Center for Christmas baskets, raised close to $8,000! Additionally, our school held a Thanksgiving service and raised close to $800. Many, many thanks for your generosity!

Giving Tree: Many thanks to all those who took a card from our Jesse giving tree to buy a gift for a child/teenager during this Christmas season.

Chargers: On Tuesday evening, November 29, seven priests played a basketball game against some of the Powers students in a fundraiser for Catholic Charities in Flint. Speaking of Powers, this Tuesday, Dec. 6, I will be hearing confessions at the High School. They need a lot of priests to help because of the number of students. And then on Saturday, Dec. 10, I will be attending a six-hour board meeting at Powers. I hope to catch some of our grade school volleyball games while I’m there too!

Feast of the Immaculate Conception: We have Masses at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, and Masses at 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 8.

Christmas Concert: This Saturday evening, December 10, our many choirs from our parish will be performing a concert in the Church at 7 p.m. The recent Messiah concert was beautiful. We are looking forward to another great evening of music. Hope to see you there.

Welcome back: Many of you remember Peter Cook, who left for a monastery in France this past summer. I don’t know all of the details, but he is returning to Grand Blanc for the time being. It will be wonderful to have him back. He and a few others join Fr. Gary, Alberto and I for morning prayer in the Church.

The Prodigal Son returns: Speaking of “welcome backs,” when I walked into the sacristy last Monday, one of our sacristans, Tom Hrit, came up to me and said, “do you remember that young priest who was here quite awhile ago?” At first I didn’t know who he was talking about, but after a smirk appeared on his face I knew he was talking about Fr. Gary. It’s good to have him back!

Pastoral Council: This Wednesday, December 7, is our monthly pastoral council meeting. At our last meeting we discussed the possibility of all the councils from our parish gathering on January 25 for an all-commission meeting. Please mark this date on your calendar if you are on a commission.

Best breakfast: Next Sunday, December 11, the Knights are having their monthly pancake (and eggs, sausage, ham, omelettes, waffles and many other food items) breakfast. The breakfast is great and the proceeds always go to a worthy cause.

Healing Service December 12: Looking forward to the healing Mass and service on Monday, Dec. 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Many people have remarked how much they have enjoyed these services in the past.

Blessings on your Advent season. Please know of our love and prayers.

Msgr. Jerry

Saint quote of the week: “No one heals himself by wounding another.” – St. Ambrose, whose feast day is December 7. St. Ambrose was very instrumental in St. Augustine’s conversion to the Catholic faith.

Monday – 6:30 a.m.

Tuesday – 8:15 a.m. and 7 p.m

Wednesday – 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Thursday – 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.

Friday – 6:30 a.m.

Saturday – 8:00 a.m. and vigil at 5 p.m.

Sunday – 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and seasonal evening Mass:

7 p.m. Memorial Day weekend in May to Labor Day weekend in September

5 p.m. after Labor Day to the weekend before Memorial Day weekend
