Ordinary Time: This Sunday is the 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time. There are 34 weeks in ordinary time until we enter the Advent season in early December. After celebrating Pentecost last Sunday, the Easter season came to a close. After receiving the Holy Spirit, the disciples went out to proclaim the good news to others—something we are all called to do in our words and deeds.
Holy Trinity: Is the name of Fr. Gary’s home parish in Fowler, but this Sunday is the Feast of the Holy Trinity for the whole Church. The mystery of the Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith and of Christian life. In reality we have life now and for eternity only through the love of the Holy Trinity.
Corpus Christi: The following weekend, June 17 – 18, we celebrate the Feast of the Corpus Christi. After the Noon Mass, Fr. Gary will lead our parish in a short Eucharistic Procession outside — weather permitting.
Guest Priest: This Saturday evening for the 5 pm Mass we are having a guest priest. Fr. Randy Kelly from the Diocese of Saginaw is doing a wedding at our parish in the afternoon and volunteered to take the evening Mass. Both Fr. Gary and I are grateful so we can attend the priesthood ordination parties that day. Fr. Kelly was stationed at my mom’s parish for several years. Everyone loved him.
Diaconate Ordination: This Sunday afternoon, June 11, I will be attending the permanent diaconate ordination at the Cathedral in the Diocese of Saginaw. My brother-in-law, Rick Warner, will be one of eight getting ordained. He and his wife, my sister Patty, have three children. I am very happy for the Church, for him and our family.
Quest: This weekend representatives from Quest will be here after Mass to discuss the Quest Sports Camps, which our parish is hosting this summer. Many of the camp directors played college sports. The themes for each day apply to both sports and faith: commitment, practice, growth and teamwork. We are hosting camps for boys and girls basketball, volleyball and football. I know parents have many camps to choose from but this one seems like a great choice too.
Faith Fest 2017: On Saturday, June 24, musical artists such as Jason Gray, Chris August, Brandon Heath and Sanctus Real will be performing at the St. Francis Retreat Center in DeWitt. The day includes Mass with Bishop Boyea and fireworks at dusk. You can get tickets and find out more information at www.FaithFest.com. I plan on attending for part of the day. FaithFest 2016 was a great success with more than 5,000 people attending.
Fr. Jim Swiat’s reception: Really enjoyed attending the 50th anniversary gathering for Fr. Jim Swiat on June 4. Fr. Jim looks great. Retirement seems to sit well with him even though I know he’s busy with many tasks. There were lots of Holy Family parishioners there which was great to see.
School news: This Monday evening, June 12, we will celebrate the 8th grade graduation Mass. And then Wednesday, June 14, is our last day of school with a half day. I am grateful for the cooperation of our school administration, teachers, parents and students in allowing the school year to be a year of grace. Our enrollment keeps going up. Two classes are full for next year.
Powers Catholic: I enjoyed the graduation ceremony for Powers on June 4. They really move things along! Board President and parishioner Kathy Kirtek gave a great talk on having “no regrets.” This Wednesday, June 14, we have our year-end Board Meeting. I am really impressed with the commitment the board has for the good of the school.
Pentecost: Hope you enjoyed hearing our parishioners proclaim the Word in different languages just as the first disciples did. If you want to hear the readings, go to our website under ‘Homilies.’
Singing: Members of our choir went to Medilodge of Grand Blanc last Sunday to sing for the residents there. Dr. Lee said it started off with a couple people attending, but then many more came after the first song. Thank you, Dr. Lee and singers, for your work of charity and mercy.
Flowers: Our campus is looking more beautiful with all the flowers blooming. I am especially grateful to Carol Pongrac, Carleen Celusnak, Roxanne Rice, and Renee Bresko who spent the whole day on June 3 planting flowers. Thanks from all of us.
Moving forward: Our building committee met on June 1. We are hoping to have plans to show the city and the diocese in the fall so we can begin construction on our Church in mid-June of 2018. It’s exciting, but it’s going to take a lot of faith and patience.
Fr. Gary’s party: A lot of people have been asking when Fr. Gary’s farewell party is. It’s on Sunday, June 25 from 1 – 5 pm. I keep telling him that it’s amazing how many people are looking forward to saying “good-bye” to him He will certainly be missed A LOT!
Hope you are taking time to enjoy the beautiful weather. Enjoy this week in God’s presence.
With love and prayers,
Msgr. Jerry
Saint quote of the week: “ Remember the past with gratitude. Live the present with enthusiasm. Look forward to the future with confidence.” Saint John Paul II