Yes and No: The Gospel for this weekend presents us with the father who had two sons. When the father asks his first son to work in the vineyard he says “no,” but later changes his mind and goes. The second son says “yes” but decides not to go. Pope Francis remarked that all of us can be experts in the ‘half-yeses’ to God. He stated, “We can also make excuses to God, such as ‘I can’t,’ or ‘not today,’ but tomorrow…tomorrow I will be better, tomorrow I will pray, I will do good tomorrow.”

Cool Hand Clint: This Sunday we welcome Grand Blanc head football coach Clint Alexander. He is speaking at our annual Athletic Boosters Father and Son Pancake Breakfast at 9 am. Our Knights are preparing the breakfast. Hope to see you there.

Bobcats: Speaking of Grand Blanc football, homecoming is this Friday, October 6. The Bobcats are off to a great start with an undefeated season thus far. Go Bobcats! Because of the homecoming parade happening on Saginaw Street, there will be no Friday 5 pm confessions or 5:30 pm Mass.

Opportunity: Enclosed in our bulletin this weekend is an insert listing some of the ways you can help Holy Family with very little effort by doing something you normally do—shop. For example, I buy all my gas cards from SCRIP. A percentage goes back to the school. Please consider helping if you are able.

Priest Convocation: This week, beginning on Monday, October 2, Fr. Dan and I are attending the annual priest convocation. This year we are meeting in Frankenmuth. What happens during the convocation? The bishop gives a state of the union address, we celebrate anniversaries of our priests, we have elections to vote priests on certain committees, and we have conferences—and we enjoy some free time ☺. The best part is seeing priests that we normally don’t get to see. We return on Thursday afternoon, October 5. There will be no Masses or confessions from Monday evening through Thursday morning.

Outreach: On Wednesday, September 20, area Church ministers got together to discuss the possibility of a combined Christian outreach center. Something similar has happened in Flushing. It’s called the Flushing Christian Outreach Center. It’s going quite well with so many more resources to pull from to help people. I’m not sure where this will go in Grand Blanc. Please keep this endeavor in prayer.

On our way: This Thursday, October 5, we are having another Building Committee meeting to discuss renovation of our Church. The last meeting went quite well. We are making slow, but steady progress.

Oops: One of our parishioners approached me after Mass last weekend to apologize. He is one of our many parishioners who gives to the parish automatically through online giving. However, since last August his credit card expired and he forgot to change the information on his online giving. Therefore he hasn’t given since then (is now though). He wondered if that has happened to anyone else.

500 years: I really enjoyed attending the ecumenical prayer service at St. Matthew’s in Flint to recognize the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Catholics and Lutherans prayed for continued unity while recognizing our differences and apologizing for failures of peace in the past.

Division: The tension in our country continues to rise. The world needs mercy. I am reminded of what St. John the Cross said, “where there is no love, put love.”

40 Days: Last Sunday, September 24, I led the opening prayer for 40 Days for Life at Planned Parenthood on Beecher Road in Flint. I really admire the people who stand in peaceful prayer outside of abortion clinics. It makes a huge difference. Many women who intend to have an abortion change their minds when they see someone praying for them. If you would like to make a difference for Life, please contact Joe Bonifazi. Our parish day for the 40 days for Life is October 28 from 7 am – 7 pm.

Knights: Speaking of life, thank you to all of you who turned in Baby Bottles thus far to help support women and men choose life.

Aussie Priest: Next Saturday we welcome Fr. Mark Baumgarten. He is a priest from the Diocese of Perth in Australia. Both Fr. Dan and I knew him from our days in Rome. He is about 6’ 5” and a really good basketball player. He is also a big sports fan. He is very much aware of the UM-MSU game on Saturday, October 7. We are hoping to go to the game. He even joked about asking Coach Harbaugh if he wanted another Aussie to punt in the game (we know what happened the last time a punter from Australia played in the game!). He will be here for a week.

May God bless you and all your endeavors!
Msgr. Jerry

Saint quote of the week:
“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take with you nothing that you have received–only what you have given.” ― St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is October 4.

Monday – 6:30 a.m.

Tuesday – 8:15 a.m. and 7 p.m

Wednesday – 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Thursday – 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.

Friday – 6:30 a.m.

Saturday – 8:00 a.m. and vigil at 5 p.m.

Sunday – 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and seasonal evening Mass:

7 p.m. Memorial Day weekend in May to Labor Day weekend in September

5 p.m. after Labor Day to the weekend before Memorial Day weekend
