Greetings in Christ! I’m happy to be back in the saddle. As I spoke of in my homily last week, it was such a joy to go on convocation this year. Bishop Vincke was our speaker and was amazing. I don’t know if you noticed, but we’re actually creeping up on All Souls and All Saints Day…holy […]

Greetings in Christ, all! This week Fr. Le and I will be attending the Diocese of Lansing Priest Convocation. While we are away our holy deacons will offer communion services each morning in place of the 8 am Masses. These services will be live streamed as we normally do. There will not be a Wednesday […]

Greetings in Christ, all! Before I forget, I want to help with a couple of questions I received about the Diocese efforts regarding Proposal 3. The most common question is about politics and the Church.  Aren’t we a nonprofit? What about Separation of Church and State? “Separation of Church and State” does not mean churches cannot […]

Greetings in Christ! As you can see, construction/creation of the reliquary and Divine Mercy area have begun. If everything goes well, it will be done in a few weeks. Please pray for our efforts! As a reminder, the area to the north of the altar will be a prayerful place for us to venerate first class relics […]

It appears as if Fall is here and no one can be happier about that than me! Fall is my favorite season by far…I love the temperatures, the beauty of it all, and I enjoy college football as well. As a Catholic Church, it’s easy for us to get caught up in being less than we are […]

Greetings in Christ! This Monday is Labor Day and I will be celebrating Mass with any who come at 8:00 am as usual in the Church. My Grandpa Krupp was in the Great Sit Down Strike here in Flint and I am so very proud of those brave men and women who stood up and […]

Greetings in Christ, all! I’m typing this shortly after praying Mass with all our school kids for the first time this academic year. What a crazy beautiful blessing that we have in our school. Make sure to pray for them all over the next nine months. You’ll hopefully notice that we have opened a new section in […]

Greetings in Christ, all! Hopefully, you noticed the words on the steps leading into our sanctuary: Sanctus. This is the Latin word “Holy” and, repeated three times, it has a special meaning to us. In Scripture, when St. John was given a vision of Heaven, he saw that there were angels all around God who constantly […]

Greetings in Christ, all! I’m back from my retreat and vacation and dove right into the battle. It’s been wonderful. My first scheduled event on my return was hearing confessions and I was so overjoyed that this was what I started my return to. I’m so terribly grateful that I get to be a priest with a parish […]

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