Greetings in Christ! We continue our journey through Advent. This is a good moment to pause and refocus our hearts and minds on the upcoming celebration of His birth and to prepare ourselves for His second coming. This week we celebrate two big occasions all in one. This Thursday, December 12th, is the anniversary of […]
Greetings in Christ! I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving. God is so good. I believe it’s true that few things are more healing, more important and more rare than a thankful spirit. It is so easy to find and complain about what is wrong, it takes a person of character and vision to see […]
Greetings in Christ! I can’t believe I am going to type this, but Advent starts in one week…wow! Advent is the season where we do two things: First, to prepare to celebrate the birth of Our Lord and second to prepare our souls for His Second Coming. It’s a blessed season that often gets lost […]
Greetings in Christ! Big news this week, folks! You may remember that before I arrived here, our parish signed an agreement with the city to do certain things on our campus. One part of the plan we have to do sooner rather than later is build a new building to house our Outreach to the poor and […]
Greetings in Christ! An interesting celebration this week is on the 13th, when we honor St. Frances Cabrini. She really is a remarkable woman who fundamentally changed the way Catholics minister to the sick. She was a remarkable and formidable woman and I can’t say enough about her. A wonderful movie came out this year called “Cabrini” and […]