The Ultimate Wedding: When we began our four-part series on the Sunday experience, it was mentioned that attending Sunday Mass is like attending a wedding Mass/banquet with Jesus as the ultimate Bridegroom. The Scriptures tell us that God the Father invites us to His Son’s wedding, but many refuse to come because of other commitments. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is once again the Bridegroom. But in this passage five of the bridesmaids are ready for the Bridegroom, but five are not. When the five who weren’t ready knock on the door to enter the wedding feast, Jesus the Bridegroom tells them “I do not know you.” Perhaps the message is this: it’s better to know Jesus than to simply know about Jesus.

Mass explained: I hope you enjoyed the four-part series on the Sunday experience. I thought Fr. Dan did an outstanding job of explaining the Mass. Someone remarked to me that Fr. Dan did so well that I owe him a steak dinner for his efforts. Well, I thought about it and instead got Fr. Dan a piece of pizza leftover from the coffee, donuts and pizza in the parish hall after the Noon Mass☺. By the way, we ran out of bulletins last weekend. There will be extra green-colored inserts that were put in last weekend’s bulletin at the entrances/exits of our Church.

The Five P’s for Mass: A parishioner sent me a nice email about how much she appreciated the reflections on the Sunday Mass. She also mentioned that she watched a video on the five P’s of Mass: Preparation, Place, Posture, Presence and Passage done by Fr. Michael Denk. I watched it and found it helpful too. Perhaps you can find this online and watch it too.

State of the Parish: This weekend I will be giving the state of the parish address. There will also be a financial statement inserted in our parish bulletin based on the fiscal year 2106-17. I am looking forward to talking about our church renovation, as well as many other important matters.

The Best: I call it the best breakfast in town, especially for the price. The Knights of Columbus are putting on their monthly breakfast this Sunday from 9 am – Noon. What I deeply appreciate about the Knights is that all the monies they earn go directly to help serve the needs of others.

Fr. Solanus Casey: This coming Saturday many parishioners, including Fr. Dan and I, will be attending the beatification Mass of Fr. Solanus Casey at Ford Field in Detroit. This simple but wise saint had a great saying, “thank God ahead of time.” That takes faith.

Messiah Concert: Next Sunday, Nov. 20, our parish will be hosting the annual Messiah concert. The top cantors from our area will be performing. Our own Sia Lee is the pianist this year. I hope to see you there. The concert begins at 4 pm.

From 5 pm to 7 pm: Really sorry for an inconvenience, but because of the Messiah concert next Sunday’s evening Mass on Nov. 20 will move from 5 pm to 7 pm.

Great Feedback: Our first ten-week course of ALPHA is nearing completion. I’ve heard many, many positive comments from those attending. And last weekend was the Men’s Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) retreat. One attendee said that he put off attending a CRHP retreat for 16 years. After attending the retreat he said he really regrets waiting so long.

God’s Time: This week, from Tuesday – Friday, Fr. Dan will be helping out with the Kairos Retreat for Flint Powers Catholic High School.

Thanks for your faith! May God bless you abundantly.

With love and prayers,
Msgr. Jerry

Some words of Fr. Solanus Casey, who will be beatified on Saturday, November 18:

“We should ever be grateful for and love the vocation to which God has called us. This applies to every vocation because, after all, what a privilege it is to serve God, even in the least capacity!”

“What does it matter where we go? Wherever we go, won’t we be serving God there? And wherever we go, won’t we have Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with us? Isn’t that enough to make us happy?”

“We must be faithful to the present moment or we will frustrate the plan of God for our lives.”

“Many are the rainbows, the sunbursts, the gentle breezes—and the hailstorms—we are liable to meet before, by the grace of God, we shall be able to tumble into our graves with the confidence of tired children into their places of peaceful slumber.”

“Worry is a weakness from which very few of us are entirely free. We must be on guard against this most insidious enemy of our peace of soul. Instead, let us foster confidence in God, and thank Him ahead of time for whatever He chooses to send us.”

Monday – 6:30 a.m.

Tuesday – 8:15 a.m. and 7 p.m

Wednesday – 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Thursday – 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.

Friday – 6:30 a.m.

Saturday – 8:00 a.m. and vigil at 5 p.m.

Sunday – 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and seasonal evening Mass:

7 p.m. Memorial Day weekend in May to Labor Day weekend in September

5 p.m. after Labor Day to the weekend before Memorial Day weekend
