All posts by: HolyFamilyUser

About HolyFamilyUser

Greetings in Christ!  Happy, Holy New Year to each person in our Parish Family. I pray that Jesus bless you with health, holiness and joy in this next year. I wanted to be sure and thank you all for your kind gifts and encouraging words during the Christmas season; I’m so blessed by you all […]

Greetings in Christ!  This bulletin article is my attempt to help us summarize the two big feasts we celebrate during the Christmas season. Obviously, we celebrate Christmas on December 25th. This is the day we thank God for one of the most humble, loving and generous gifts in our human history: God became one of […]

Greetings in Christ! Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent. This is somewhat of a rare treat for us to have a full week for the fourth week of Advent. Usually, Christmas is not on Sunday and, as a result, the fourth week gets shortened. I think this makes this week a gift for us to […]

Greetings in Christ!  God bless you all on this, the Third Sunday of Advent or, as the Church calls it Gaudette Sunday (gow-dah-tay). Gaudette means “rejoice” and we are invited to reflect on this passage: “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord […]

Happy and Holy Advent Season to you all! With this weekend, we enter the second week of this four-week season. We take this time to prepare our hearts for Jesus’ Second Coming and to prepare to celebrate His birth among us. This week we have a Holy Day of Obligation! On December 8th we celebrate the Immaculate Conception […]

Greetings in Christ, all!  With this weekend, we Catholics enter the season of Advent.  Advent is a lot of things for us and I think we all get the preparation to celebrate the Birthday of Christ. With that, we also want to remember that we are keeping it in our heart to prepare for the […]

Greetings in Christ! This week we celebrate the secular holiday of Thanksgiving. It’s my absolute favorite holiday. This is a great chance for us to focus on Gratitude. It’s an amazing thing how powerful and yet underrated gratitude is. Gratitude refocuses us; it heals our wounds and lifts our spirits. Scripture is pretty clear on the importance […]

Monday – 6:30 a.m.

Tuesday – 8:15 a.m. and 7 p.m

Wednesday – 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Thursday – 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m.

Friday – 6:30 a.m.

Saturday – 8:00 a.m. and vigil at 5 p.m.

Sunday – 8 a.m., 10 a.m., 12 p.m. and seasonal evening Mass:

7 p.m. Memorial Day weekend in May to Labor Day weekend in September

5 p.m. after Labor Day to the weekend before Memorial Day weekend
